Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Thursday September 9-10, 2015

Journal Prompt: QUIZ
1. If supply goes up, then demand goes down. What happens to the price?
2. True or False: In a command economy the government makes none of the economic decisions.
3. What is the keyword for a capitalist economy?
4. What is an example of a socialist economy?
5. If your country is mostly involved in factory work and turning natural resources into products it is most likely what type of economy? (Pre-modern, Modern, or Post Modern).

Current Event:

Population Simulation
Work on Island Project/Review
Name Test 

Learning Targets
o   I can name and explain the factors that affect population growth (birthrate, death rate).
o   I can define and explain population density, population distribution, doubling rate, and natural increase.
o   I can explain the advantages and disadvantages of over or under population.

HW: Fill out the study guide! Put together notes packets. TEST NEXT CLASS!
Island Project due next class. 

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